What is Root Cause Healing?

Rather than treating individual symptoms, we heal the environment that created them in the first place.

Instead of obsessing over what not to do or how to mask the condition with a pill, we focus on healing from the inside out by addressing the foundational principles of health.


Modern Day Health Care

For those who have tried it all and still don't have the answers-

We'll work together to get to the root cause of your symptoms to create an environment where we can heal + prevent health issues naturally.

In this 90 minute call, we'll discuss your test results, symptoms, goals and work through a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), an in-depth symptom form + food journal to create a custom protocol just for you!

STOP spinning your wheels trying to figure it out on your own...

For those who have tried it all and still don’t have the answers. We’ll work together to get to the root cause of your issues to heal + prevent health issues naturally.

This 90min 1:1 holistic health consultation provides customized protocols and full Q+A for women needing the personalized education + support to reach their goals.

You'll complete a 3 day food journal, a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and in-depth intake form regarding symptoms + goals, then I'll analyze all the info to give you detail guidance on how to get started and where to go.

What is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)?

HTMA is an analytical test which measures the mineral content of the hair. The sampled hair is tested to determine your mineral balances (or imbalances) and heavy metal exposure. This gives us insights into pesky symptoms like headaches, high cortisol, gut dysfunction and so much more so we can determine how to move forward with nutrition therapy and other lifestyle recommendations!

I'm Lauren + I've been in your shoes...

Bloated, miserable, struggling to find the energy or focus to complete tasks, feeling like crap for no reason, relying on constant coffee refills, struggles with my skin + weight, feeling like I was allergic to everything, sleeping terribly, struggling to get out of bed, feeling overly sensitive all the time, battling addictions, binges + endless cravings … all with a body that was attacking itself.

After years of research, education + trial and error, I finally learned how to heal from the inside out.

I know the healing journey can feel daunting, but I’m here to tell you that it is WORTH IT. Let my experience save you the years of pain, suffering, embarrassment + fear that I felt for YEARS by guiding you in the right direction from the start.

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

Due to the nature of this purchase, refunds are not available. Once you complete a test and wellness questionnaire, you will receive valuable information that you can continue to use going forward. My recommendations to you will be based on your unique lifestyle and situation, but as always, you can check with your doctor and make decisions based on what is right for you.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to complete your test and wellness questionnaire and book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! In our session we can discuss packages for additional coaching options. If you are purchasing a second for a friend, I will email you with further instructions.