• Low Energy?
  • Poor Sleep?
  • Skin Issues?
  • Headaches?
  • Weight Gain?
  • Mood Swings?
  • Stress + Anxiety?
  • Digestive Issues?
  • Joint + Muscle Pains?
  • Hormone Imbalance?

And are you tired of spinning your wheels with restrictive diets, expensive supplements + lab work that says there's nothing wrong with you? You’re in the right place.

The Problem?

Modern day life is not supportive to health.

Women are struggling - feeling overstressed, undernourished, exhausted, with plummeting metabolism, forcing themselves through workouts or not doing them at all, thyroid issues, immune issues, skin and weight problems, food fear, endless confusion and so much more...

And the crazy thing is...


What is Root Cause Healing?

Rather than treating individual symptoms, we heal the environment that created them in the first place. Instead of obsessing over what not to do or how to mask the condition with a pill, we focus on healing from the inside out.



With my courses + online 1:1 coaching programs, you can ditch diets for good + learn how to properly nourish yourself back to health - from the comfort of your own home.
I'll teach you everything you need to know to combat the conflicting health advice, navigate the murky waters of wellness and find what truly works for YOU!
Gut Health

Removing intolerances, supporting the digestive organs + balancing the microbiome are critical for the gut-brain connection to work properly. Good gut health means good digestion, nutrient utilization, hormone balance + natural energy levels. A happy gut is a happy life.

High-Quality Nutrition

Moving to a predominantly whole food diet is one of the best things you can do for your health. Properly raised plants + animals, free of unnecessary toxins, will help your body come back into balance naturally. Placing focus here 80% of the time, allows for freedom to choose the less supportive stuff when you feel called.

Nutrient Balance

Finding the right balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is crucial to properly functioning physiology, managing a healthy weight, eliminating cravings and maintaining stable moods + energy throughout the day. Your needs depend on your past experiences, current lifestyle and activity levels.


Nourishment comes in many forms. Focusing on self-care, restorative sleep, stress-reduction, balancing the nervous system, breathing techniques and more, we are able to reset our bodies energetically + physically, which will lead to better digestion, energy and overall function.

Proper Hydration

Proper hydration is crucial to good health by allowing for good digestion, nutrient transportation, steady energy, and balanced hormones. Hydrating your cells with nourishing fluids, not just dehydrated water, allows for everything to function smoother. 

Effective Movement

Some workouts simply won't help you reach your goals in certain seasons of life and can actually make things worse. Finding the right movement for you should depend on your current lifestyle, stress load, refueling abilities and more. 

Need help deciding which path is right for you?

Shoot me a message describing your issues and concerns and I'll happily point you in the right direction for your most direct path to healing!

I’m Lauren - FNTP, wellness coach + founder of Healthy + Happy Method.

I’ve been in your shoes… 

Bloated, miserable, struggling to find the energy or focus to complete tasks, feeling like crap for no reason, relying on constant coffee refills, struggles with my skin + weight, feeling like I was allergic to everything, sleeping terribly, struggling to get out of bed, feeling overly sensitive all the time, battling addictions, binges + endless cravings… with a body that was attacking itself.

Add to that some traumatic events, overuse of birth control, alcohol/drugs + antibiotics, daily stress, sedentary habits + yo-yo dieting and I was in a constant cycle of feeling depressed + sick and coping with even unhealthier methods.

After years of research, education + trial and error, I finally learned how to heal from the inside out. My mental and physical health have never been better. I’m in better shape now with minimal effort, than I was when I ran a full marathon. I feel calm, content + more resilient to all the stress life throws my way. 

I know the healing journey can feel daunting, but I’m here to tell you that it is WORTH IT. Let my experience save you the years of pain, suffering, embarrassment + fear that I felt for YEARS by guiding you in the right direction from the start. Together we’ll get you feeling your best in no time.

The Foundations of Health:

True healing begins when you support the body and all its complex interconnected systems from the root.