• Low Energy?
  • Poor Sleep?
  • Skin Issues?
  • Headaches?
  • Weight Gain?
  • Mood Swings?
  • Stress + Anxiety?
  • Digestive Issues?
  • Joint + Muscle Pains?
  • Hormone Imbalance?

But don't want to waste time + money on fancy recipes, restrictive diets, expensive supplements + lab work that says there's nothing wrong with you?

You’re in the right place.

These Days EVERYTHING Feels Like A Struggle...

Dragging yourself out of bed every morning and hitting snooze as many times as humanly possible

Consistently gaining extra weight no matter what you do or how healthy you try to eat

Feeling anxious and overwhelmed by even simple daily tasks

Snapping at your kids + partner, sometimes for no reason at all

Never knowing what to eat or how to feed yourself amongst picky eaters... what is even "healthy" anymore?

Crappy periods, constipation, simply feeling "meh" and not really knowing what to do about it

And it's holding you back from being the woman, partner, or mom that you know in your heart you are destined to be...


The system is rigged to keep you fat, sick + unhealthy because that's how Big Pharma and the Diet Industry make their millions.

All those symptoms sound NORMAL, right? But just because they are common doesn't mean they have to be YOUR reality.

Ultimately, it's up to you to make sure your internal environment is conducive to health through your daily choices + habits.

And I want to empower you to be as informed as possible so you can make the right choices for you and your family. With the right information, tools + habits, you can truly heal from the inside out + be an advocate for your own health.

We're not just catching you a fish.

We're teaching you how to fish, baby!

The Modern Woman's Health Challenge:

Modern life is not conducive to health- especially for women.

Everyday your body is fighting a daily battle with stressors coming from every angle - physical, mental/emotional, environmental, etc.

But here's the thing...

When you give your body the foundational support it needs the body will heal itself.

When you understand how to remove + mitigate stress from a biological level, the body can heal, detoxify, build, metabolize, think and behave the way it needs to do.

With a combination of nutrition support, gut health, nervous system regulation and toxin avoidance, you can change the state of your physical + mental health beyond your wildest dreams...

No pills, diets, or crazy exercise routines required.

What is Root Cause Healing?

Rather than treating individual symptoms, we heal the environment that created them in the first place.

Instead of obsessing over what not to do or how to mask the condition with a pill, we focus on healing from the inside out by addressing the foundational principles of health.


“I feel like I’m FINALLY getting my life back. I am so happy!!!

— Kelly

The Foundations of Health:

True healing begins when you support the body and all its complex interconnected systems from the root.

Gut Health

Removing intolerances, supporting the digestive organs + balancing the microbiome are critical for the gut-brain connection to work properly. Good gut health means good digestion, nutrient utilization, hormone balance + natural energy levels. A happy gut is a happy life.

High-Quality Ingredients

Moving to a predominantly whole food diet is one of the best things you can do for your health. Properly raised plants + animals, free of unnecessary toxins, will help your body come back into balance naturally. Placing focus here 80% of the time, allows for freedom to choose the less supportive stuff when you feel called.

Nutrient Balance

Finding the right balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is crucial to properly functioning physiology, managing a healthy weight, eliminating cravings and maintaining stable moods + energy throughout the day. Your needs depend on your past experiences, current lifestyle and activity levels.

Stress Mitigation

Nourishment comes in many forms. Focusing on self-care, restorative sleep, stress-reduction, balancing the nervous system, breathing techniques and more, we are able to reset our bodies energetically + physically, which will lead to better digestion, energy and overall function.

Proper Hydration

Proper hydration is crucial to good health by allowing for good digestion, nutrient transportation, steady energy, and balanced hormones. Hydrating your cells with nourishing fluids, not just dehydrated water, allows for everything to function smoother. 

Effective Movement

Some workouts simply won't help you reach your goals in certain seasons of life and can actually make things worse. Finding the right movement for you should depend on your current lifestyle, stress load, refueling abilities and more. 

I'm Lauren + I've been in your shoes...

Bloated, miserable, struggling to find the energy or focus to complete tasks, feeling like crap for no reason, relying on constant coffee refills, struggles with my skin + weight, feeling like I was allergic to everything, sleeping terribly, struggling to get out of bed, feeling overly sensitive all the time, battling addictions, binges + endless cravings … all with a body that was attacking itself.

After years of research, education + trial and error, I finally learned how to heal from the inside out.

I know the healing journey can feel daunting, but I’m here to tell you that it is WORTH IT. Let my experience save you the years of pain, suffering, embarrassment + fear that I felt for YEARS by guiding you in the right direction from the start.


With this step-by-step, self-paced course, you can ditch diets (+ quick fixes) for good + learn how to properly nourish yourself back to health + happiness - from the comfort of your own home.

I'll teach you everything you need to know to combat the conflicting health advice, navigate the murky waters of wellness, ditch the diet-culture
... and FINALLY find what truly works for YOU!

What's Included in

Healthy + Happy Method?

  • 6 Modules ($1,950 value)
  • 11+ Hours of Video Content ($1,200 value)
  • 2 Recipe Books (50+ Recipes) ($100 value)
  • Flexible Meal Plan ($100 value)
  • Supplement Guide ($100 value)
  • Guide To Healthy Eating With Kids ($50 value)
  • Workbook + Bonus Handouts ($200 value)

    (Total Value $3,700) JOIN TODAY for as low as $27.

The Course Also Includes:

High-Protein Recipe Bundle

Looking for high protein meals that are easy to make, have only healthy ingredients, and are nutrient dense? Look no further!

Brain Boosters Guide

These are the easy to add foods + supplements that will boost mood, memory, and mental clarity so that you can operate as your best self.

Dining Out Guide

Your guide to staying on track while dining out. Eat and drink to your heart's desire without the backlash using these helpful tips + tricks.

By the end of this self-paced course, you will have...

  • Learned the universal laws of food + digestion so that you never have to wonder where your cravings, bad moods, and sh*tty poops are coming from.
  • An understanding how to increase your metabolism, balance your blood sugar and eat for better moods, energy + hormones.
  • Awareness + solutions for your digestive issues and the source of the problems so they don't happen again.
  • Figured out how to live your life, dine out, celebrate, etc. the way you want to without sacrificing your health goals.
  • Learned how to structure your lifestyle to positively impact your health + hormones.
  • Discovered what workouts + daily habits support your goals + season of life.
  • Tuned into your body to see the symptoms as communication rather than a failure.
  • Learned all about hormones- the four main areas of health they control and how to eat for better hormone balance.
  • An understanding of how to balance your weight, moods, hormones + energy naturally.
  • A toolkit of solutions for detoxification and deeper healing.
  • Learned how the body operates and what the thyroid, liver, adrenals and gut have to do with your health.

This Course is For You If...

  • You want to gain energy + lose weight without completely changing your life + diet
  • You struggle to stay on track
  • You don't even know what is healthy anymore
  • You want to end the yo-yo dieting cycle
  • You want to eat out + enjoy guilt-free
  • You feel stuck in your health journey
  • Your hormones are all over the place
  • You eat healthy but still don't feel good
  • You're tired of feeling exhausted
  • You're ready to ditch the mood swings + anxiety
  • You want to know what's jacking up your hormones
  • Doctors prescribe pills that you don't want to take
  • You want to reduce your cravings + feel in control
  • You want to feel confident in your skin
  • You want a solution that lasts!

... And you're ready to do something about it...


  • You insist on being a strict vegan or vegetarian.
  • You expect to see results while eating the standard American diet full of processed foods.
  • You refuse to try cooking for yourself.
  • You don't want to try something different.
  • You want to buy a course and expect it to magically change your situation without doing the work.
  • You don't actually want to change.

Course Curriculum

  Module 1: Welcome to The Healthy + Happy Method
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Nutrition + Food Sourcing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: PDF Downloads
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Metabolism + Gut Health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Stress, Movement + Sleep
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Hormones
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Going Deeper
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: PDF Downloads
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

The Self-Guided Course to Restore Your Health + Happiness, Naturally.

Healthy + Happy Method!

Join the many women just like you who have reclaimed their moods, metabolism, hormone balance + confidence with this self-paced course.



How much time will this take me?

This is completely up to you! The videos take ~12hrs (watch like a video or listen like a podcast). There's a workbook that accompanies them and there's additional guides + resources for you when you need them. Technically you could get through it in ~20hrs, but since it is self-paced and yours forever, I highly recommend taking your time to implement the recommendations within each module and video. I recommend doing 1 module per week so even with implementation it should only take you about 5hrs per week.

When does the course start and finish?

Healthy + Happy Method™ is a completely self-paced course- you decide when to start and finish. There is no timeline and no rush. There are 6 modules. I suggest doing one per week.

How long do I have access to the course?

Lifetime, baby! As long as I am offering this course, you'll have access to it across all your devices. You'll also receive any future updates ABSOLUTELY FREE!

What are typical results?

Healthy + Happy Method™ teaches you the foundations of female nourishment along with the tools to make the changes necessary. Because we believe in bio-individuality, there's no way to predict your results fully, however we have had some amazing results from students ranging from weight loss, to better sleep, easy periods, reduce/eliminate joint pain + headaches, reversing digestive dysfunction, steady all-day energy, supporting pregnancy + fertility, improved thyroid function, better moods + libido, clear focus, and feeling more empowered in their choices. Click here to see more of our student wins on instagram.

Do you offer refunds?

Because this is an information-based product that is downloadable, once the course is purchased, it is yours.

Healthy + Happy Method™ seems too good to be true. How can this possibly help me?

For too long we've operated from a model where we don't look at the body as a whole cohesive system that is designed to thrive. Instead, our bodies and symptoms are reduced to specific diagnoses that completely disregard the intelligence of the human body. When you give the body the foundational resources it needs, you can not only heal yourself, but begin to truly live the way you want to! It's important to remember you'll get out what you put in so if you're mailing it in, you'll get minimal results. If you truly apply the principles in this program, you will reach your goals.

How is this different than other methods?

Other courses + programs will teach what worked for them. This course will teach you how to figure out what works best for you. At HHM, we believe in dogma-free dieting, compassion over criticism, freedom over restriction and living a lifestyle that feels good to you so you never have to worry about falling off the wagon again. Instead of telling you that this particular diet and supplement routine will change your life, it teaches you to think about your body, your symptoms and your emotions from an entirely different standpoint so you can become your own best healer.

What's covered in the course?

Module 1: Course Roadmap

You'll get a sneak peak inside Healthy + Happy Method™! We'll celebrate your new journey and prepare you with some tips for success. Then get familiar with the foundations of health + happiness.

Module 2: Nutrition + Food Sourcing

Demystifying food in a way you haven't seen before. Here you'll learn all about how to nourish from the inside out and get tons of tips, tricks, recipes, guides + discounts along the way.

Module 3: Metabolism + Gut Health

Learn how your body works so you can fuel it best to feel YOUR personal best. We'll dive deep into the why behind your energy slump, weight gain and digestive issues.

Module 4: Lifestyle Factors

We'll talk all things sleep, stress + movement. Learn how your daily habits affect your digestion, hormones, sleep and more! And learn how to determine the best workouts for you.

Module 5: Hormones 101

Tune into your body's major communication pathways and finally connect the dots to your seemingly random symptoms.

Module 6: Detox + Deeper Healing

The final piece to the puzzle. We'll guide you through a variety of potential options for deeper healing. Learn the safest and most effective forms of detoxification, biohacking, alternative therapies, etc. and when to use them and how to find the right doctors + labs for you.

Bonus: Want More?

Included are a workbook, several guides + various resources so you always have the answers you need right at your finger tips.